
Daniela Mauro
Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.
Email Daniela

Vice President
Jacki Atienza
MasterBuilders Solutions
Email Jacki

Ron Sturm
Jensen Hughes
Email Ron

Chris Tillema
American Engineering and Testing, Inc.
Email Chris

Associated Organizations

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Minutes of SCP Meeting at ASTM Washington DC, December 4th, 2018

The meeting was held in the Washington Hilton, Columbia 1, located on the Terrace level at 6-8:30pm. 13 attendees
Welcome and introductions
Officers 2018-2020:
TS – Ted Sibbick
DM –Daniela Mauro
AM – Anol Mukhopadhyay (apology for absent)
JA – Jacki Atienza

Membership status:
Review of membership numbers, active, voting, associate. For information on updating contact information, passwords, etc., reach out to Daniela

Other business items discussed
• 17th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials EMABM will take place from 20 to 23rd May 2019 in Toronto, Canada. Website:

ICMA conference- 14-18 April San Diego, CA.

• The next SCP meeting to be held on the Monday evening (instead of Tuesday) at the Denver meeting as a trial run.

• Officers’ term length was discussed. Decision for length of officers’ term will remain as 2 years.

Results of Karl’s CN Tower round robin
• He will send bcc email to participants
• Pretty good agreement between methods A, B, C and operators.

Gerrard – Near-Surface Aggregate Reactivity. (NSAR)
NSAR Coined by Peter Craig
ASR in the surface of the concrete induced by moisture sensitive floors
• Not mitigated by pozzolans because too quick (24 hours)
C33 doesn’t screen this out, it occurs with 1% (Pierre Shale – very deleterious – 100ma amorphous opaline shale – zooplankton)
• Reaction usually only happens in summer
• Surface prep, other defects – bruising, debris, steel shot…osmotic pressure works on the defect. The shale continues to react, even in 40 year-old floors.
• This is not unique…will see many of these in Minnesota
• They see these in Iowa, but only in sands and they tell them to flush the surface in order to flush away the alkalis.

Sub-committees were populated as follows:
Membership Committee (3 including secretary)
1. Anol Mukhopadhyay
2. Kristen Freeman
3. Chris Tillema

Nominations Committee (4 including immediate past president)
1. Gerard Moulzolf
2. Derek Cong
3. Jamison Langdon
4. Jacki Atienza
5. Karl Peterson

Program Committee (4 including vice president)
1. Daniela Mauro
2. Karl Peterson
3. Hugh Hou
4. Dave Rothstein

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