SCP December Meeting
The Society of Concrete Petrographers will meet in conjunction with the ASTM Committee C09 Meeting in Tampa, FL: DAY: Tuesday, December 6, 2011 TIME: 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm (or whenever) LOCATION: The room number will be posted on the bulletin board in the ASTM registration area. There will be a business meeting in which all members are encouraged to participate followed by an open discussion. All attendees are welcome to bring photos and/or data on a jump drive to share with the group during this open discussion. There will be no dinner served but attendees are welcome to bring their own. There are many subcommittees that may be of interest to SCP members, but Members are especially encouraged to participate in ASTM: C096500 Petrography, Tuesday 1:00-3:00pm in the Grand Ballroom G C096500 Task Group on Water Cement Ratio, Monday 2:00-3:00 pm Meeting Room 3 C096500 Task Group on C856, Monday 6:00-7:00 pm Meeting Room 3 C096500 Task Group on C457 Tuesday 12:00-1:00 pm Grand Ballroom G SCP meets in conjunction with ASTM Committee Week C09 Concrete and Concrete Aggregates that runs from Sunday December 04 2011 - Wednesday December 07 2011 at the Marriott Waterside; Tampa, FL US For more information on the ASTM meetings follow the links at:
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