
Daniela Mauro
Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.
Email Daniela

Vice President
Jacki Atienza
MasterBuilders Solutions
Email Jacki

Ron Sturm
Jensen Hughes
Email Ron

Chris Tillema
American Engineering and Testing, Inc.
Email Chris

Associated Organizations


SCP Meeting Minutes, December 2010 

ASTM, New Orleans, LA  12/07/2010, Tuesday 6:30 – 9:15 pm, Napoleon A2 Room


  • Boyd Clark
  • Derek Cong
  • Ann (Caffero) Daugherty
  • Frank Gay
  • Mark Lukkarila
  • Patrick Miller
  • Bob O’Neill
  • Laura Powers
  • Nick Scaglione
  • Mauro Scali
  • Mike Silsbee
  • Steve Stokowski
  • Jeff Varga
  • Nancy Whiting


    1. International Cement Microscopy Association (ICMA)
      1. ICMA 2011,  San Francisco – 33rd ICMA Annual Conference to be held at the Omni Hotel & Resort in San Francisco, California, U.S.A. on April 17-20, 2011.  Five SCP members have submitted abstracts or will submit abstracts for consideration for presentation and publication through ICMA.  An internal SCP review will be performed on each paper.  There is probably room for a few more papers.  Abstracts and titles need to be submitted ASAP.  If submitted directly to Larry please copy SCP (Laura).  Updates of the ICMA conference will be provided via SCP website and or links to ICMA website.
      2. ICMA Europe – Larry Sutter talking with folks at Delft University about possibly hosting a meeting in Europe in some near-future year.
    2. Website (Nick) – A good number of people have logged in over time, however probably just less than half the members have never logged onto the site.  Nick posted a question and sent an e-mail notice of the question being posted.  No one has responded to the question and to date, no one else has posted any discussion points.  Members are encouraged to post ideas, discussions, application of techniques and other related interests.   There was a discussion of how else to utilize the website.  Ideas included posting a series of photomicrographs, links to other relevant website and others.  Other related activities included ideas for a book of construction materials micrographs patterned after ‘Rock and minerals in thin section’ guides that would be extremely useful, an SCP calendar and more ideas were discussed.
    3. Changing By-laws: Mauro, Derek and Bob volunteered to look into changing the By-Laws to address what to do about non-respondent members.
    4. New business
      1. Food at meetings – Today’s meeting cost $414 for food.  ASTM provided a nice room with projector at no extra cost.  Each attendee contributed $15-$20 and WJE picked up the remainder of the bill (Thanks Laura!).  With advanced notice of who’s attending, SCP can arrange to meet at a local restaurant.  The group proposed one meeting per year in a restaurant and one in a meeting room with food catered in.  Next meeting, June 2011 in Anaheim, CA to be at a hotel meeting room and Dec 2011 in Tampa, FL, Laura will look into having a meeting at a local restaurant.
      2. Members discussed having meetings on another night, Monday nights or Sunday nights but the group decided to keep it on Tuesday nights.
      3. Vice-President Nick will work at getting a speaker lined up for the June 2011 meeting (per By-Laws).  Any suggestions can be directed to Nick.
      4. Individual member presentations were given by Steve Stokowski, Nick Scaglione, Laura Powers, and Nancy Whiting.  Steve, Nick, Laura, and Nancy shared a variety of images from projects and research related work that they had conducted.  The presentations covered a variety of concrete and masonry performance and durability issues.  Each of the impromptu presentations offered both interesting and informative insight into sample preparation, as well as individual approaches to concrete and masonry petrography.  All of the presentations were well received and reinforce the founding principle of our Society, which is to provide a forum where the free exchange of ideas on methods, interpretation, and operating standards is encouraged to ensure the continued growth and improvement of our profession.  

    Meeting adjourned.


    SCP Meeting during ASTM Committee Week - Dec 7, 2010

    The Society of Concrete Petrographers will meet in conjunction with

    the ASTM meeting in New Orleans, LA US:


    DAY:  Tuesday December 7, 2010

    TIME: From 6:30pm - 9 pm



    AGENDA: Dinner (small fee required), business,

    open discussion and short presentations of interest.

    Please bring micrographs and/or data on a jump drive.


    SCP Meeting during December ASTM Committee Week

    SCP met December 8, 2009 in Atlanta, Georgia in conjunction with ASTM. Dr. Larry Sutter from Michigan Technological University presented the results of research on the effects of deicing salts on concrete. Fourteen SCP members and guests attended.


    2010 ICMA

    The 32nd annual meeting of ICMA will be held March 28 to April 1, 2010 at the Omni Royal Orleans in New Orleans. Please visit the ICMA website for more information.



    Concrete International recently published notice of the passing on March 29, 2009 of our colleague and SCP member, James A. Ray, at age 78. After a distinguished career in industry Jim founded his own petrographic consulting company, James A. Ray Corp. in Mantua, Ohio.